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The Copywriter Igniter [March 2023]
Welcome & Intro
Welcome! (3:48)
A copywriter's mindset: the 4 real reasons I made money out of the gate (11:20)
Module 1: Copywriting 101
Conversion copywriting defined (12:08)
A course creator's ecosphere (11:31)
What to charge (12:14)
The 5 stages of awareness (5:34)
Marketing Lingo (the 42 terms that matter) (43:55)
Module 2: The different styles of selling courses
All about a course launch (3:46)
What you need to know about webinars (7:00)
How to write a launch promo calendar [for a webinar] (9:46)
What if my client doesn't launch with a webinar? (8:08)
How to write a launch promo calendar [ for a 3-day challenge] (6:35)
An overview of the 3 launch sequences [webinar invites] (13:40)
An overview of the 3 launch sequences [webinar show ups] (13:32)
An overview of the 3 launch sequences [promo emails] (19:46)
How to coach your client to pick launch bonuses that HELP your copy (17:26)
What’s evergreen vs live launching? (6:27)
What if my client sells via a mixed strategy [evergreen AND live launching?] (5:20)
What if my client sells via a video series? (4:35)
Module 3: Getting Clients
How to find course creators [using Instagram] (16:32)
How to find course creators [on sales pages + websites] (5:12)
8 things to have in place before you start networking w/ course creators (3:25)
Setting up a professional-looking email you don’t have to pay for (4:50)
Creating your #1 selling tool: your pricing menu (20:13)
Creating authority via Instagram
What to post on IG [the Viral Loop Method w/ Pragati Aggarwal] (61:27)
Whipping your portfolio into shape (9:47)
8 methods for building a network of people you can pitch [workshop] (64:51)
A rundown of all the software you need as a copywriter (7:46)
Critical intake Qs to include in your discovery call appointments (7:23)
Cold Emailing 101 [with a script!] (13:22)
Cold Emailing 101 [follow up scripts + when to reply via video] (6:45)
5 tips for running discovery calls (9:23)
How to run a 4-figure discovery call [pleasantries + golden transition phrase] (5:38)
How to run a 4-figure discovery call [10 questions] (20:44)
How to run a 4-figure discovery call [pricing, process + next steps] (8:32)
Where to get your copywriting contract
Module 4: Doing your pre-work
Intro to voice of customer data (10:25)
[VOC data] getting your clients to connect you to students (7:46)
[VOC data] 19 questions to ask on customer interviews (18:55)
[VOC data] survey questions (8:53)
[VOC data] mining in Facebook Groups (14:01)
[VOC data] mining in Amazon book reviews (8:19)
[VOC data] mining with Loom requests + via Instagram (7:13)
[VOC data] how to organize it [w/ Voice of Customer Data Library template] (14:20)
[VOC data] how to weave VOC into your copy (14:56)
How to write your avatar info [intro to the 7 steps] (6:10)
[Avatar] step 1: writing the basic info (5:25)
[Avatar] step 2: writing the relevant info (8:29)
[Avatar] step 3: painting the picture of their perfect life (4:25)
[Avatar] step 4: writing their tipping point (4:50)
[Avatar] steps 5 + 6: five biggest fears + desires (4:57)
[Avatar] step 7: writing what's special about them (6:21)
Writing your transformation (9:08)
How to distill your must-know messaging [an intro] (6:14)
Distilling your must-know messaging [soapbox arguments] (21:01)
Distilling your must-know messaging [myths] (8:22)
Distilling your must-know messaging [street cred + unique features] (13:11)
Distilling your must-know messaging [testimonials] (15:24)
Module 5: Writing webinar invites
Getting ready to write: an intro [watch this first!] (4:20)
Webinar Invite #1 [The Antidote] (15:21)
Webinar Invite #2: [Take a Stand] (11:53)
Webinar Invite #3 [The Confusion Clearer] (8:24)
Webinar Invite #4 [The Crappy Advice Email] (11:12)
Webinar Invite #5 [Last Call] (10:55)
Webinar Invite #5a [Last Call - Cart Open Announcement Hybrid] (12:56)
Adjusting webinar invites for challenges (6:47)
Module 6: Writing the show up sequence
Show up #1 [Confirmation Email] (16:50)
Show Up #2 [The Educator — 5 days out] (11:25)
Show Up #3 [Social Proof Show-er w/ "At-the-Very-Least" Outcome - 3 days out] (10:24)
Show Up #4 [One Small Win — 1 day out] (8:39)
Show Up #5 [The Anti-Bail — 1 hour before] (9:56)
Show up #6 [Is it Tense in Here? — 10 minutes before] (7:02)
BONUS: extra examples of show up emails
Module 7: Writing your promo emails
Promo Email #1 [Cart Open] (7:21)
Promo Email #2 [1 Big Question] (8:12)
Promo Email #3 [The Results Flasher] (14:12)
Promo Email #4 [The Risk-Remover] (18:43)
Promo Email #5 [The Objection Tackler] (18:33)
Promo Email #6 [The Confrontation] (17:52)
Promo Email #7 [My honest answer to a bold promise] (16:49)
Promo Email #8 [The Concerned Check-In] (17:41)
Promo Email #9 [What your offer isn’t] (8:13)
Promo Email #10 [The Inbox Intruder / Case Study] (26:35)
Promo Email #11 [Last call] (9:56)
4 things to check for before delivering to a client (4:11)
Module 8: Writing sales pages
Your sales page overview
Your sales page template
BONUS MODULE: The Legal Stuff
Legal Steps to Take When Starting an Online Business with attorney Sam Vander Wielen (36:26)
BONUS Video Trainings
How to Onboard Your Clients Like A Pro (w/ Asana template) (53:11)
How to Offboard Your Clients (w/ Asana template) (42:46)
Your First $5k Freelance Copywriting Gig Workshop (118:14)
How to Leverage Guest Appearances on Podcasts to Generate New Clients - hosted by Tori Autumn (61:28)
My Client's Building Their Audience. Now What? How to turn followers into customers with email - hosted by Liz Wilcox (64:11)
How to Write Case Studies: Connect & Sell with SEO + Story - hosted by Brittany Herzberg (68:39)
Writing Black Friday sales (and flash sales) (57:51)
New Client Onboarding Questionnaire [and template]
Kickoff Call Questions List
Launch Debrief Questions
Email Script: telling your current clientele you're raising your rates
Email Script: asking past clients for testimonials (including pre-written ones)
Email Script: firing clients
What's a wireframe? [example]
Example SOP: use this is a template for standard operating procedures
BONUS: How to approach welcome sequences - mini training & examples
REPLAY: March 7th group coaching call (52:29)
REPLAY: March 14th group coaching call (65:06)
REPLAY: March 21st group coaching call (86:47)
REPLAY: March 28th group coaching call (60:49)
REPLAY: April 11th group coaching call (61:02)
REPLAY: April 18th group coaching call (67:05)
REPLAY: April 25th group coaching call (66:07)
REPLAY: May 9th - not posted
REPLAY: May 23rd group coaching call (37:41)
REPLAY: May 30th group coaching call (46:54)
REPLAY: June 6th group coaching call (62:54)
REPLAY: June 27th group coaching call (63:02)
REPLAY: July 11th group coaching call (63:36)
REPLAY: July 18th group coaching call [onboarding new clients] (69:50)
REPLAY: July 25th group coaching call (56:59)
REPLAY: Aug 1st group coaching call (65:33)
REPLAY: Aug 8th group coaching call (59:00)
REPLAY: Aug 15th group coaching call (52:24)
REPLAY: Aug 22nd group coaching call (40:38)
REPLAY: Aug 29th group coaching call (56:56)
REPLAY: Sept 12th group coaching call (63:10)
REPLAY: September 19th group coaching call (45:51)
Promo Email #6 [The Confrontation]
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